Is Dr Mikovits Telling the Truth?

Is there a conspiracy surrounding COVID-19 and the medical community? A recent controversial video called “Plandemic” has been making the social-media rounds claiming that there is. I’m not so sure. The video, produced by filmmaker Mikki Willis, has been pulled by Youtube. However, as of this writing it can still be found on Facebook. (I […]

Returning to the Microphone

After being away from my podcast for over 6 months, I’ve made a return. My goal for 2020 is to release a new podcast episode each Tuesday. The first episode was released on Tuesday, Jan 7, 2020. You can find all podcasts at If you have a topic that you would like covered, or […]

Anniversary of the Patterson/Gimlin Film

It was on this date – Oct 20, 1967 – that the famous Patterson/Gimlin film was reportedly shot alongside Bluff Creek in northern CA. This controversial, 59.5-second film, depicts a hairy, man-like creature walking away from Roger Patterson, who had chased it a short distance and then claimed to have fallen to the ground to […]

What’s the Difference Between Roman Catholics and Protestants?

In this Podcast we’ll take a look at one of the most frequently-asked questions that I get: how do Roman Catholics differ from Protestants? Dane Cramer is a backpacker, follower-of-Jesus blogger, jail chaplain, amateur filmmaker, Podcast host, and author of two books: Romancing the Trail and The Nephilim: A Monster Among Us

A Review of Sasquatch Fuel Meals

During my 2018 Yo-yo backpacking trip, I was introduced to Sasquatch Fuel. Brian from HBF Outdoors had reached out to Sasquatch Fuel, and they had very generously agreed to sponsor the trip by donating some dehydrated meals. My very first impression of the meals was, “Wow! These packages are light!” Weighing in at around 5.5 […]